Sunday, February 10, 2013

Success at Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View A&M University has prepared its teacher candidates for teaching efficiently!

The professors have instilled in these young educators the desire to excel in their teaching career. They not only teach what these students need to learn but create various classroom activities and projects so that students have a more creative and hands-on experience.

Below are some examples of how Prairie View A&M has aided in the progression of my knowledge and the refinement of my thoughts and actions.  I do hope you enjoy!

This was a a mini-classroom that was created to better understand how a classroom is to be set and what it should include.

This bulletin board was created by me to help instruct and understand the basic components of creating a bulletin board.  

Prairie View A&M University gives everyone an opportunity to succeed.  I personally can say that it has allowed me to achieve my personal goals and aspirations.  Everything is there for you to succeed, all you have to do is want it! 

See you soon,


1 comment:

  1. I think of the classroom that my youngest is in now--there are no bulletin boards. There's no real wall space! There are cupboards and sinks along one wall, cubbies on the divider for the second, a whiteboard on the third, and windows / bookshelves on fourth. There are different shaped tables, a rug that fits the whole class when they smush in, and a desk for the teacher.
