Friday, April 12, 2013

Paying it Forward!

This semester I have learned how to utilize various technological programs. From Google Forms and Blogs to Prezi, Google presentations, and now Wikispaces, I have been able to learn the basics and even perfect the use of each one of these programs. These various programs have really helped make my life easy, but most importantly I have been able to teach others about how to use these in their life.

Recently, my daughter went on a field trip to Jubilee Ranch. This is a ranch that is not only fun for the students but also teaches them about science and nature. After the trip, the students were assigned to a partner and work collaboratively on creating any type of presentation to describe what they learned while on the trip. This assignment was to be worked on at home, so it required the students to meet off campus at each other's homes. This was a really big issue for me because I rarely let my children out of my sight. It was getting very difficult for my daughter to work with her friend and create any type of project because all they could do was talk on the phone.

After several days, I decided to put my knowledge into practice. I created a gmail account for my daughter to share with her friend and create a google presentation and even create a short form at the end of the presentation for the students to take. This was more like a survey for how informed the students felt after the presentation. The girls were thrilled presenting their short presentation but the teacher and other students were even more excited! I was very proud of my 5th grader and really enjoyed teaching them how to work in Google Drive.

After the presentation the teacher approached me and thanked me for helping the girls and asked that I return at a later date to help the other students understand how to work Google Drive and utilize technology in more of her lessons. I was thrilled to be able to help and share my knowledge with others!

So don't be greedy and share your knowledge!

1 comment:

  1. I love the example of how you got a chance to utilize what you have learned
